Posts for: #Go

Choose Postgres queue technology

Choose Postgres queue technology


Postgres queue tech is a thing of beauty, but far from mainstream. Its relative obscurity is partially attributable to the cargo cult of “scale”. The scalability cult has decreed that there are several queue technologies with greater “scalability” than Postgres, and for that reason alone, Postgres isn’t suitably scalable for anyone’s queuing needs. The cult of scalability would rather we build applications that scale beyond our wildest dreams than applications that meet concrete customer and business needs. Postgres’ operational simplicity be damned; scale first, operate later.

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Making static Hugo sites dynamic with htmx and Go

Update :: live demo now available

A demo of this concept is now available at and the demo source code is available at


I’ve encountered a lot of skepticism around the idea of adding dynamic behavior to Hugo sites with hugo-htmx-go-template. That skepticism is well founded, because Hugo bills itself as a static site generator.

So why would anyone want to add dynamic functionality to Hugo sites when Hugo aspires to be a simple static site generator?

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